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For Such a long time I would keep my modding techniques a secret, but being that I live so far away from anyone now and chances of modding seem low.  Not to mention the time I spend modding a persons iPhone would end up cutting into work, and that just will not do.  Not for only 50 dollars.  SO  I will begin making a step by step guide for all of you people, including repository files and names as well as some custom firmware!  (for those of you with Windows based computers). 

Take joy knowing i will be sharing some secrets in here that has taken me years to develop and critique!  I hope you enjoy!!

(I can do a TON more things than this, this is a scratch of the modding world, if you would like indepth information on something please let me know, i'm happy to help)

For ANYONE who wants a Jailbroken iDevice.  iPhone 2g, iPhone 3g, iPhone 3gs, and EVEN the iPad!!!  (This is for the 3.1.3 firmware and 3.2 firmware)

simply go to www.spiritjb.com

T-Mobile users!!

Want to upgrade to 3.1.2?  or have a new iPhone and want to be unlocked?  Or do you just want to hack people's iPhones for them so you can make some money?  either way, you will need this file!!

This is the 3G 3.1.2 Custom Firmware! (T-mobile)


The 3GS 3.1.2 Custom Firmware!! (T-Mobile)


The iPod Touch 2G 3.1.2 Custom Firmware!!


Backup device using iTunes (right click on your device and choose "backup")

now download and run the following tool called iReb

Windows Version

After you download this extract it to your desktop and run "iH8sn0w - iREB V3.1.2 For Windows-English.exe"

Follow the Instructions to put your device into DFU mode

then choose your device. (your device has to be plugged in to go into DFU mode)

After your device has the white screen open iTunes

On the left side of the iTunes click on your device

On the right side you will see an option "Restore", Hold "Shift" and left click "Restore"

This will bring a menu where you can go find your custom firmware, go find where you saved it.

after you select this firmware it should automatically start installing and VOILA! all done on the initial jailbreak!

And Now for some more indepth things that are highly valuable.

Firstly, download and install diskaid

ouiskaid is an amazing program for accessing the filestructure for the iDevices.

Now download this

It's my collection of sources, and i'm sure you will find them handy as well.

I've made it easy for you to install my sources, it's a simple executable file that will copy all my sources to your sources folder for you!  I spent a while making this so you better enjoy!  lol.

Now Open Cydia (on the iDevice)

Let it do some thinking, on the top it should show signs of doing something, downloading data as well.   Let it sit until it asks you to update.  update everything. 

If you are on tmobile install Blacksn0w from cydia.  That's It.  Have fun! if you have any questions let me know! 


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